Finding Family Time When Work is Demanding

Family Advice

It can be difficult to balance career and family. You know the importance of spending time with your family, but you are also fully aware that your career is competing for your time, trying to force its way into your every waking moment.


Obviously, that is not in your plans, but you aren’t sure how to control the constant work overload while spending quality time with those you love the most. This is especially true for those who bring work home with them.


What should you do?


Human beings need downtime. Give an honest evaluation of what job demands can wait. A special report is due in two weeks? You have several phone calls to return? Put them on hold for one extra day. You must put your foot down and have boundaries. Your place of employment most likely won’t do it for you. Your downtime from work is good for you and your family.


Take an evening “off” from work and spend quality time with your family. Unplug from work completely. None of us want to feel like we are what stands in the way of what someone really wishes they were doing. Your employer won’t remember your special report once it is completed. However, your family will remember the evening you set aside specifically to enjoy their company, showing them how much they mean to you.


The options of things to do with your family are endless.


Board games, a painting class, going for a walk and taking up a hobby together that has scheduled classes once a week are all ideas for spending time together. Choose activities that promote laughter, enjoyment and the chance to really talk. Your family needs you, and quality time will last much longer than the moment.


Another great family activity is putting together a puzzle. Choose a fun one with a thousand pieces. Enjoy each other’s company. Ask everyone how their day was. And listen.


Make the most of your family’s time together. You will be so glad that you did!

Post Tags:

Demanding Work, Family Fun

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