
Covid 19 Cleaning and Safety Measures

Cleaning Tips, Family Advice

Even though cases of Covid 19 are going down, we still have to keep our guard up with Covid 19 Cleaning and Safety Measure.As the cases of Covid 19 are going down, all of us can start to breathe a little ea

Many of us were nervous about leaving our homes, and some of us are still wanting to be extra cautious. Whether we are on the carefree end of the spectrum or closer to the extremely cautious end, there are Covid 19 Cleaning and Safety Measures we can follow to help keep our own families healthy and safe until the greatest threat of the illness has passed.  We all know what covid 19 feels like, so here are a few things we can do within our own families:


When Covid 19 anxiety is very difficult for us, we can consider using a grocery shopping service that does our shopping for us, and also delivers to our homes. Some stores offer the service themselves, while we can get delivery from other stores through an app on our phones. Instacart is available in many areas in Colorado.



If a grocery shopping service that delivers is not available in our area, we can consider using a store app that will still do your shopping for you. The difference is that we just need to set up a time to pick our groceries up, rather than them being delivered to our homes. Both shopping services mentioned will limit our interaction with the open public until we feel safer and more confident about venturing out more. My personal favorite is Instacart. Check it out:


Staying Safe During Covid 19 with Instacart


When we do need to go out, or if we continue to do our own shopping, making sure we have everything we need written down will eliminate the need for excess trips because we forgot to get one important item.



Children won’t always remember on their own, so it is important to remind them to wash their hands, cough into their elbows, and practice social distancing outside of the home. Talking about our hygiene and social guidelines in a manner that won’t scare our little ones is the best approach. We don’t need to burden their young minds with the scariness and severity of a pandemic. We can gently remind them however many times we need to.



Even better, leaving our families at home whenever possible cuts down on germ exposure to our loved ones. Covid 19 for kids is difficult as well. While we leave them at home when possible, let’s still get them out of the house for fresh air, a family walk, and some fun yard games or exploration. They need to get out of the house sometimes too, even if it isn’t at any of the open businesses yet.



Sadly, there have been those who have succumbed to this terrible illness, and lives have been altered for those left behind. Thankfully we are currently seeing Covid 19 deaths dropping. Continuing to practice good hygiene and social distancing guidelines will aid the healing our globe needs for ushering out the end of this pandemic. We know where Covid 19 started, and we know doing our part will help end it.



This also includes keeping our homes sanitized at all times. Simple Peroxide at 3% concentration or alcohol will do. Make sure to get all the major touch points religiously. These Covid 19 Cleaning measure are great additions to your daily house cleaning and keeping your Colorado family safe!



Watch this video for DIY cleaning hacks for Covid 19 Cleaning.

Check out our latest blog for more tips https://roochiicleaning.com/how-to-hire-cleaning-service/


Post Tags:

Covid 19 Cleaning, House Cleaning, Sanitizing

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