
How Stong Women Remain Safe

Covid 19, Family Advice

Ladies, our current situation with the Covid 19 pandemic has taught us some things about ourselves:


We’re human.
We’re vulnerable.
We have weaknesses that we weren’t even aware of.


But those of us who have courageously been on the frontlines in our workplaces have learned some other things about ourselves as well:


We’re brave.
We’re a stability and a constant in a time of great uncertainty.
We’re stronger than we previously realized.
We’re hope in our communities that are afraid for the future, and who are in the vulnerable groups trying to resist Covid 19.
We are the first Covid 19 recovery team, on the scene since day one, working diligently to make sure we get through this.


We aren’t over this global trial yet. But in time, we will be able to rest our weary minds because we fought this battle until it came to an end. Our battle gear does not include a helmet or combat boots. Our uniforms consist of masks, gloves and focused determination. The day is coming when we can remove our uniforms, and hold our heads high for a job well done.


We know the drills. Wash our hands. Cough into our elbows. Wear a mask whenever we are in public. Keep six feet apart from others. While the workplace mandates have been in place for a few months, there are a couple of things that can cause a disruption in the progress we are experiencing in our country: carelessness and defiance.


Ladies, let’s not become slack in our carefulness just yet. The end of the road is a bit further than we originally thought. We can look back over the past six months and remind ourselves that we’re through the worst of the situation.


Restrictions are being lifted, and we will see them in our various workplaces in the coming months. Erring on the side of caution may be what helps to bring the end into view sooner rather than later.

We need to continue practicing the health and safety measures that have become national guidelines. We can set the example in each of our workplaces and encourage each other that our diligence will pay off. The restrictions to combat Covid 19 will be over in time. Doing our part individually is appreciated by those who want to see the workplace and business world return to normal as much as we do.


Until we are no longer required to wear masks for Covid 19, and until we are able to freely shake hands and gather together with our friends for coffee and chit chat, let’s be the Covid 19 frontline volunteers that offer a positive attitude and compliance to the cautionary measures that are trying to keep us safe.

If we never knew how important we were to society before, we should certainly know now. While the nation has been put on hold, we in the workplace are needed more than ever. We are appreciated. We are strong. And we will get through this!

Post Tags:

Covid 19, Covid 19 Safety, Strong Woman

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